It's been a month since Gov. Rauner suspended $26 million in social services and public health grants. Since then, governor has made it obvious that he plans even more cuts. Gov. Rauner received lots of criticism from the traditionally liberal media, however, there has been no proper insightful analysis of the planned budgetary policies. Mr. Blogo breaks it all down:
Department of Human Services: Funeral and Burial, suspended $6.9 million: Governor Rauner decided to be proactive considering reports of the pending 2015 Zombie Apocalypse Virus. The less people the state buries, the less Zombies it will have to deal with.
Immigrant Integration Services, suspended $3.4 million There is no need for that. Everybody loves American values and everybody wants to be like us ... that is U.S. Apple pie, capitalism, and freedom has been working so far. If it ain't broke .... you know the rest.
Welcoming Centers, suspended $191,300 - it's tough but face it! Illinois residents are leaving for other sates. There is actually no need for the Welcoming Centers. Funds could be better appropriated to fund Goodbye Centers; Illinois - if you could not make a good first impression you might at least leave a good and lasting last impression.
Compulsive Gambling, suspended $406,000, Addiction Prevention $1.6 million, Illinois Tobacco Quit-line: $3.1 million. This one boils down to simple math: fighting compulsive gambling is not in the state's best interest. Illinois needs more gamblers than ever before, especially if the planned casino in Chicago is to succeed. Alcohol and tobacco consumption is already a huge source of tax revenue; you can cut but you shall not bite that hand that feeds ya.