Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Riot police moves in on the protesters. Protesters are cornered from all sides. Some officers are spotted putting on gas masks.

Protesters fearing tear gas try to find safety. Police barricade goes down.There is a rumor that police will eventually use the sound cannon present at the site. Protesters call out to use ear plugs. Some are not prepared for the sound cannon and get anxious. It is clear that a lot of them want to get out but are unable to do so. Strangers share their extra ear plugs. Panic sets in. Seconds after this recording we encounter several bloodied protesters, onlookers, and a reporter. People are taking care of each other checking for wounds, washing off blood. There is no bystander effect here!

Chicago NATO Summit Protests

More videos, pictures, and sounds from the protests coming as soon as possible!

05/20/2012 4:58 PM. Shortly after the official part of the march ended few protest "leaders" asked to march West; away from the police barrier and the NATO convention. Some in the crowd encouraged to move east, towards the McCormick Center chanting: "Don't go West". Stalemate ensued. As the riot police inched towards the protesters multiple objects (mostly empty plastic bottles and trash) were thrown at them. Scuffle erupted. Medics tended to the wounded protestors. According to some reports few protestors suffered concussions. Tension intensified.
5/20/2012 4:55 PM Chicago. Protesters, most of whom marched from the Grant Park, gathered @ Michigan Ave. & Cermak Rd.Less than half a mile east 2012 NATO summit is under way @ McCormick Convention Center. The protest permit expired at 4.00 PM. Despite the seemingly peaceful atmosphere the riot police reinforcements are called in to the front of the protest. Some of the protesters react by chanting: "You're sexy, you're cute, take off your riot suit." But will the tension ease?