Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Milton: Tested Formula for Killing 99%

Milton: Tested Formula for Killing 99%

You know all too well that being 1% is not easy. Outsourcing, reorganizing, maximizing profits, and hitting goals; it's all hard and dirty work. On regular basis you shake hands with investors, business partners, and politicians; at times you even have to shake hands with 99%. Protect yourself ! Only Milton prevents spreading the sense of guilt and compassion. It is also clinically proven to systematically kill the 99% Virus. Protect yourself and don't bring any common germs home to your wife and children. 

Milton Surface Wipes: Perfect for corner office      
- Effective in removing fingermarks of slimy politicians and businesspersons
- Removes hard to clean sweat, tears, and blood left on your desk by your employees

Note: Use on glass and mirror surfaces  to remove traces of cocaine 

“Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself.”
Milton Friedman

Get a moth supply of Milton sanitizing products with a purchase of "Capitalism and Freedom"

“There's no such thing as a free lunch.”
― Milton Friedman

Milton has been the official hand sanitizer of Goldman Sachs and NYSE

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Sticks and Stones: Carry a Big Stick and Speak Softly (in German)

Sticks and stones: Stick Diplomacy

Last week, leaders of Ukraine, Germany and France met with Mr Putin to negotiate cease fire in the Ukraine. The EU delegation, led by Ms Merkel, flexed its muscles and the cease fire agreement was signed. Yet, as of today, there is still no peace in Ukraine. Mr. Putin must finally realize that there will be serious consequences for defying the West.  By now, Mr Putin should be aware that the all-mighty EU armies are getting ready for a showdown and they do mean business! Germans, for instance, are getting ready for a post-nuclear/ post-apocalyptic warfare scenario. Even when the electronics and technology becomes obsolete, have no worries : German soldiers will be prepared. German army has already started training and equipping its soldiers with sticks. Sticks and stones will break your bones Mr Putin, and your words will never hurt us. Germany is adopting Roosevelt's BIG STICK diplomacy: Speak softly and carry a big stick, literally. But how do you speak softly in German? Ich ich weiß nicht; even Holzstab, "wooden stick" in German sounds pretty intimidating. Good job Frau Merkel. 
